* all of these websites and pages were created after they had
my van, with me in it, sent over a cliff
https://telephoneCON.wordpress.com (quotes from doctors and professionals)
* (If the Facebook links don’t work, use the Facebook search bar)
https://www.facebook.com/barbwurden (my personal page)
https://www.facebook.com/ProtectionProvidesPracticality (it's a page about my inventions)
https://www.facebook.com/HandyGoddess (it’s a page about the staged vehicle cliff-dive)
https://www.facebook.com/ExplainingINFERTILITY (it's a page that has my infertility flyer, you can print)
https://www.facebook.com/barbie.wurden.9 (it’s a page that has letters to the California governor, a California senator, Gloria Allred, and my provisional patent attorney)​
https://WonderWomantarot.com and https://AbsolutelySeeThis.com
https://wurden.com (my personal website, I created this one many, many years ago)